研究報告要旨(51号)/ Abstracts of Bull. Fukui City Mus. Nat. His. (No.51)
安野 敏勝 Mesozoic Vertebrate fossils from the Tetori Group in Miyama Town,Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan
Toshikatsu YASUNO
51 (2004):1−4 (in Japanese with English abstract)
Some pieced vetebrate fossils associated with molluscan fossils were found from cobble to boulder gravels (black shale and tuffaceous pebblestone) in the Middle of the Asuwa River (Miyama Town). They consist of three kinds:a small reptile left femur, turtle carapace and ganoid scales. These rocks belong possibly to the surrounding Sakaidera alternation formation of the Kuzuryu subgroup (Tetori Group) refered to Middle Jurassic. This rsult indicates firstly that the Sakaidera alternation formation yields possibly rich vertebrate fossils and the foosilbearing horizons deposited in the brakish to freshwater environment in having the associated fossils. キーワード:美山町,手取層群境寺互層,爬虫類大腿骨化石,背甲板化石,硬鱗化石
福井県における放散虫化石産地ノート―その8― おにゅう峠
梅田 美由紀, 田賀 秀子 Note of occurrence of radiolarian fossils in Fukui Prefecture, central Japan−No.8− Onyu-touge Area
Miyuki UMEDA & Hideko TAGA
51 (2004):5-14 (in Japanese with English abstract)
The Onyu-touge area is situated between Fukui and Shiga Prefecture, where the geology belongs to Tamba Terrane of the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan. Field observation showed that the sequence of the area consisted of phyllitic siliceous shale, siliceous shale, siliceous mudstone, chert, and black shale. Triassic radiolarian fossils were obtained from the some reddish siliceous shales. On the other hand, Early to Middle Jurassic radiolarian fossils were obtained from the some siliceous mudstones and the some manganese nodules. SEM photographs of these radiolarians are presented.