 研究報告要旨(52号)/ Abstracts of Bull. Fukui City Mus. Nat. His. (No.52)

服部 勇,山本 博文
Sedimentological Aspects of Fukui Heavy Rainfall on July 18 of 2004(Erosion, transportation, and deposition of debris in the mid-stream area of the Asuwa-river)
Isamu HATTORI and Hirofumi YAMAMOTO
52 (2005):1−11 (in Japanese with English abstract)

平成16年7月18日に発生した福井豪雨は,福井市中心部とのみならず足羽川沿いの山地部にも甚大な被害を与えた.大きな物的被害は足羽川沿いの数ケ所における堤防の崩壊,河川沿いの道路の侵食,いくつかの鉄橋と道路橋の破壊,そして谷底平野への巨大な岩塊の運搬・堆積である.多くの住宅の壁,樹木の幹,そして橋脚に残された水位の痕跡は,最高水位が川岸の道路から2 m高い位置に達していたことを示している.この激流は,岩塊,砂,そして泥などの,異常なほど多量の砕屑物を含んでいた.最大の岩塊は長径が4 mに達した.この激流によって運搬された礫のサイズと谷底平野に氾濫した流水は,最大侵食流速が毎秒10mに達したことを示唆する.これらの観測は,福井豪雨によるこの地域の洪水が単に足羽川の水位の上昇だけではなく,泥,砂,そして礫を含む高密度流であったと特徴付けられることを示している.これらの観察に基づき,この地域における洪水災害の防止策に関し,いくつかの助言と提案を提示した.
The Fukui Heavy Rainfall on July 18, 2004 gave the greatest damage to the mountainous areas along the Asuwa River as well as Fukui City area. The major physical damage is destruction of embankments at several sites along the Asuwa River, erosion of river-side roads, breakdown of several bridges of railroads and roads, and deposition of huge rock blocks in valley-bottom plains. Many traces of water levels which are observable at house-walls, tree-trunks, and bridge-bents indicate that the maximum water level were 2m higher than the river-side roads. The flow contained abnormally voluminous debris including rock-blocks, sand, and mud; the diameter of the largest blocks attains to 4m. Sizes of clasts transported by the flow-water and the water overflown to the valley-bottom plains suggest that the maximun erosion velocity was as fast as 10 m/s. These observation indicates the water-flow of this area was described by characteristics not only of high-level flood but also of highdensity flow containing mud, sand, and gravels. Based on these observation, some advice and proposal are given to prevent flood disasters in this area.

吉澤 康暢
Occurrence and structure of the Tojinbo andesitic intrusive body, Mikuni-cho, Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan
52 (2005):13-27 (in Japanese with English abstract)

福井県三国町東尋坊に分布する東尋坊安山岩質貫入岩体の産状の詳細観察をはじめ,柱状節理の形態・横断面の長径の測定・構造線等の方向の測定,岩石薄片の顕微鏡観察等により,その産状や構造が明らかになってきた。東尋坊貫入岩体は千丈敷付近を中心とする大きなラコリスで,その北端部や南端部は堆積岩層に調和的に貫入している。その接触部には急冷周縁相や熱変質が認められる。現在,海食を免れて残っている部分は,貫入岩体の原形の約3 分の1 ほどであると考えられる。
On the bases of field observation, measurement of the diameter and directions of the columnar joints, and microscopic observation, the occurrence and the structure of the andesitic intrusive body which distributes at Senjoziki, Tojinbo, Mikunicho, Fukui Prefecture are described. These observation and measurement showed that the intrusive body is a large laccolith. which characterized as follows: the concordant intrusion into the sedimentary beds at the tail, and the chilled margin and thermal alteration at the part of the contact with the host beds.The part of the laccolith that have remained from post intrusive erosion is estimated to be about 1/3 of the volume of the original body.

安野 敏勝
Mesozoic Fossils from the Tetori Group in Miyama Town, Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan(U)
Fumio KATO
52 (2005):29-41 (in Japanese with English abstract)

Molluscan remaines with a shark tooth were firstly discoverd from the Upper part of the Sakaidera Formation (Tetori Group) at Asadani, Miyama Town, Fukui Prefecture and fossil upright tree trunks from the Lower part. The molluscan remaines are composed of the fresh water to the brackish water assemblages and so this fact indicates that they been had deposited in the river mouth and the marsh distributed in the flood plain near the sea. The bedds yealding the fossil tree trunks are cosidered to be made arround the river. As a result of this brief study, the Sakaidera Formation can be referable to the Itoshiro Subgroup (Tetori Group) and also made in the Early Cretaceous.
キーワード: 白亜紀前期,手取層群境寺互層,軟骨魚類化石,淡水生〜汽水生貝類化石,直立樹幹化石

安野 敏勝
Early Miocene fossil assemblages discovered from Takeno Coast, Tyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture, central Japan
Toshikatsu YASUNO
52 (2005):43-65 (in Japanese with English abstract)

豊岡市竹野海岸の猫崎半島に分布する堆積岩層(猫崎部層と仮称)から産出した化石群集について検討を行った.猫崎部層は全体の岩相および産出化石群集から香住地域の前期中新世の八鹿層香住部層に対比される.化石は,下部・中部から産出し,長鼻類臼歯,スッポン類背甲,淡水魚類,淡水貝類,植物および哺乳類足跡などからなり,日本でも有数の豊富な群集である.足跡の付近から産出した臼歯はステゴロフォドン類の1 種Stegolophodon sp.と考えられる.淡水魚類はコイ科,ギギ科およびキュウリウオ目からなり,コイ科はウグイ亜科,クルター亜科,クセノキプリス亜科,コイ亜科,カマツカ亜科およびレンギョ亜科の6 亜科からなり,これは香住コイ科魚類化石相(安野,2005b)に対比される.貝類はタニシ類2 種と二枚貝1 種,植物は台島型植物群に属する14科15属10種および6 未定種からなり,香住部層産のもの(植村,2005)に似る.足跡化石は,ほぼ長鼻類および偶蹄類からなり,ほかに奇蹄類と見られるものが存在する.
Rich fossil remaines in the Early Miocene sedimentes (provisionally named as "Nekozaki member") were discoverd from Nekozaki Peninsula in Takeno coast, Toyooka city, Hyogo Prefecture. They consite of fresh water fishes and molluscas, megaplants (Daijima flora), mammalian footprints (Proboscidea, Perissodactyla, Artiodactyla) and a broken Prboscidian morlar. Fishes include six Subfamilies (Cyprinidae), mainely of Xenocypridinae, Cyprininae and Gobioninae and the morlar can be referable to the Genus Stegolophodon (Stegodondtidae). Thus fossil assembrages indicate that this Nekozaki member's fauna and flora are refered to the Kasumi member of the Yoka Formation.

福井県南条山地における放散虫化石産地ノート―その9― 燧
梅田美由紀,田賀 秀子
Note of occurrence of radiolarian fossils in the Nanjo Massif, Fukui Prefecture, central Japan−No. 9− Hiuchi
Miyuki UMEDA and Hideko TAGA
52(2005):67-73 (in Japanese with English abstract)

The Hiuchi outcrop is situated near Imajo town, Fukui Prefecture, where the geology belongs to Mino Terrane of the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan. Field observation showed that this outcrop consists of turbidity mudstone and sandstone alternation, shale, bedded siliceous shale, and bedded chert. Late Early Jurassic to early Middle Jurassic radiolarian fossils were obtained from a manganese nodule in the shale. SEM photographs of these radiolarians are presented.

保科 英人, 簑輪 隆範
Distributional Notes of the Cavernicolous Bats in Fukui Pref., Honshu, Japan
Hideto HOSHINA and Takanori MINOWA
52(2005):75-82 (in Japanese with English abstract)

2004 年福井県内にある自然洞窟,廃坑などの人工洞窟,廃トンネルや廃屋などの人工建造物で,洞穴性コウモリの分布調査を行った.その結果,Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber, 1774),コキクガシラコウモリRhinolophus cornutus Temminck, 1835,モモジロコウモリMyotis macrodactylus (Temminck, 1840),ユビナガコウモリMiniopterus fuliginosus (Hodgson, 1835),テングコウモリMurina leucogaster Milne-Edwards, 1872 の5 種が確認された.自然洞窟よりも,むしろ廃トンネルなどの人工建造物の方が,確認されたコウモリの個体数は多かった.これらの洞穴性コウモリの保護のためには,自然洞窟だけでなく,これらの人工建造物の保全も必要である.
In 2004, we researched the habitats of cavernicolous bats at natural and artificial caves, unused tunnels, and so on in Fukui Pref., Honshu, Japan. Five species, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber,1774), R. cornutus Temminck, 1835, Myotis macrodactylus (Temminck, 1840), Miniopterus fuliginosus (Hodgson, 1835), Murina leucogaster Milne-Edwards, 1872, were recorded. In general, the number of bat’s individuals inhabiting artifacts is more than that of natural caves. The conservation of bat’s habitats including artifacts is need in order to protect the cavernicolous bats.

加藤 文男
Changes of fish faunae after the construction of dams up the Kuzuryu River system
Fumio KATO
52 (2005):83-98 (in Japanese with English abstract)

河川生態系の保全・再生に資するため,九頭竜川上流域における九頭竜ダムと真名川ダム敷設後の魚類相の変化について明らかにした. 1.九頭竜川上流域(和泉村朝日から上)における魚類相は,九頭竜ダム敷設前の1964〜67年に13種(在来魚−8種,移入魚−4種,由来不明種−1種)であったが,敷設後33年経過した2001年には27種(在来魚−8種,移入魚−16種,由来不明種−3種)に増加し,特に移入魚12種の増加が目立った. 2.真名川上流域(真名川頭首工から上)における魚類相は,真名川ダム敷設前の1970年代年に12種(在来魚−8種,移入魚−4種)であったが,敷設後22年経過した2001年には18種(在来魚−8種,移入魚−10種)に増加し,特に移入魚6種の増加が目立った. 3.ダム敷設後の上流域における魚類個体群の著しい減少は,底生魚ではスナヤツメ,アジメドジョウ,アカザ,カジカの4種で,次いで遊泳魚のイワナ,ヤマメ,タカハヤの3種であるが,イワナは種苗放流により資源が補われている. 4.ダム湖での魚類個体群の著しい増加は,ウグイとニゴイ,カマツカ,ホンモロコ(琵琶湖原産)のコイ科4種で,いずれも湛水域を好みその多くは移入魚による.生活史の中でダム湖を海の代替えとして利用する湖沼型のサツキマスとトウヨシノボリが生息していた. 5.ダム湖の流出河川では著しい減水により,早瀬の平瀬化や淀みの増加,水温の上昇などにより,イワナやアマゴの冷水性のサケ科魚類が減少し,替わりにウグイ,アブラハヤなどの温水性で止水域を好むコイ科魚類が増加した.上流域の魚類相から中流域の魚類相への移行化が進み,時期と場所によっては魚のすめない水涸れの水域も生じていた. 6.ダムや砂防堰の敷設は治水,利水が目的とはいえ,魚の移動障害,水没による魚の繁殖地や生息環境の消滅,放流魚に伴う魚類相の撹乱(魚類相の琵琶湖化)等,著しい河川生態系への阻害が生じている.今後,ダム敷設の是非や砂防堰等の河川工事,種苗放流事業等も含め,本来の河川生態系の再生・保全のために配慮した総合的な諸対策が緊急に必要である.
Changes of fish faunae after the construction of two dams−Kuzuryu Dam and Managawa Dam− in the upper streams of the Kuzuryu River system, Fukui Prefecture, central Japan, were investigated for the environmental conservation . Before the construction of two dams, in the upper streams of the Kuzuryu River thirteen species of fish, and in those of the Mana River twelve species of fish were listed respectively. After the construction of the Kuzuryu Dam, twenty-seven species of fish were confirmed in the Kuzuryu Reservoir and its tributaries. And after that of the Managawa Dam, eighteen species of fish were confirmed in the Managawa Reservoir and its tributaries. The increase in number of fish species was caused by intentional and unintentional introduction. In the reservoirs, the remarkable increase in catches of four cyprinoid fishes, Tribolodon hakonensis, Hemibarbus labeo balbus, Pseudgobio esocinus esocinus, and Gnathpogon caerulescens which lived in stagnant waters, was observed. On the contrary, in the reservoirs and their tributaries, the remarkable decrease in catches of seven species of fish, Lethenteron reissneri, Niwaella dellicata, Liobagrus reinii, Cottus pollux, Salvelinus leucomaenis, Oncorhynchus masou, and Phoxinus oxycephalus jouyi, was observed. The composition in number of fish faunae in the reservoirs changed considerably to that of stagnant water type from that of running water type which was seen in the tributaries. The means of environmental conservation are necessary for the good ecosystem in the upper streams.

下野谷 豊一
Spreading the distribution of Paradenea fortunei(Saunders,1853)(Coleoptera,Ceranbycidae) in Fukui-prefecture,JAPAN
52(2005):99-101 (in Japanese with English abstract)

The distribution of a beetle Paradenea fortunei, which has often been recorded in Fukui Prefecture recently, was investigated. This investigation renewed the most northern distribution in the Japan Sea side area of Honshu main island.

下野谷 豊一
Two unrecorded Clearwing Moth (Sesiidae, LEPIDOPTERA) from Fukui-prefecture
52(2005):103-103 (in Japanese with English abstract)

Twelve species of sesiid moth were already recorded in Fukui Prefecture. Another two species, which have not been recorded in Fukui Prefecture, were found in 2004 and reported here.

下野谷 豊一
Catopsilia pomona Fabricius (Pieridae, LEPIDOPTERA) found in Wakasa-cho, Fukui prefecture
52 (2005):104-104 (in Japanese with English abstract)

In September 2005, a female pierid butterfly Catopsilia pomona was found at in Wakasa Town, Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. This is the first record from Fukui Prefecture.


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