研究報告要旨(50号)/ Abstracts of Bull. Fukui City Mus. Nat. His. (No.50)
安野 敏勝 Early Miocene Pharyn1geal Teeth(Cyprinidae)Fossils from Northwestern Shan-in and Kyushu, Japan(I)
Toshikatsu YASUNO
50 (2003):1−8 (in Japanese with English abstract)
Rich cyprinid pharyngeal teeth were found from Kasumi Town and Mastu-ura City (Hyogo and Nagasaki Prefectures) in the Early Miocene. Kasumi's speciesare of 6 subfamilies; Leuciscinae, Culterinae, Xenocypridinae, Cyprininae, Gobioninae, Hypophthalmichtynae,and Mastu-ura's species of later 4 subfamilies. This paleontolgical fact of the same fish fauna indicates that the freshwater systm were linked in the both regions. キーワード:前期中新世,豊岡層,大屋層,コイ科魚類,咽頭歯化石