 研究報告要旨(51号)/ Abstracts of Bull. Fukui City Mus. Nat. His. (No.51)

安野 敏勝
Mesozoic Vertebrate fossils from the Tetori Group in Miyama Town,Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan
Toshikatsu YASUNO
51 (2004):1−4 (in Japanese with English abstract)

Some pieced vetebrate fossils associated with molluscan fossils were found from cobble to boulder gravels (black shale and tuffaceous pebblestone) in the Middle of the Asuwa River (Miyama Town). They consist of three kinds:a small reptile left femur, turtle carapace and ganoid scales. These rocks belong possibly to the surrounding Sakaidera alternation formation of the Kuzuryu subgroup (Tetori Group) refered to Middle Jurassic. This rsult indicates firstly that the Sakaidera alternation formation yields possibly rich vertebrate fossils and the foosilbearing horizons deposited in the brakish to freshwater environment in having the associated fossils.


福井県における放散虫化石産地ノート―その8―  おにゅう峠
梅田 美由紀, 田賀 秀子
Note of occurrence of radiolarian fossils in Fukui Prefecture, central Japan−No.8− Onyu-touge Area
Miyuki UMEDA & Hideko TAGA
51 (2004):5-14 (in Japanese with English abstract)

The Onyu-touge area is situated between Fukui and Shiga Prefecture, where the geology belongs to Tamba Terrane of the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan. Field observation showed that the sequence of the area consisted of phyllitic siliceous shale, siliceous shale, siliceous mudstone, chert, and black shale. Triassic radiolarian fossils were obtained from the some reddish siliceous shales. On the other hand, Early to Middle Jurassic radiolarian fossils were obtained from the some siliceous mudstones and the some manganese nodules. SEM photographs of these radiolarians are presented.

加藤 文男
Geographic distribution of Zacco(Cyprinidae) and a record of hybrid in Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Fumio KATO
51 (2004):15-24 (in Japanese with English abstract)

Geographic distribution of Zacco (Cyprinidae) was surveyed in Fukui Prefecture. Z. temminkii and Z. platypus were distributed throughout the Prefecture. The distribution of Z.sieboldii was restricted to Hinogawa River system, Isobegawa River, and irrigation canals surrounded by the lower Hinogawa and Asuwagawa Rivers. Z. temminkii and Z. platypus inhabited from the lower part of the upper stream to the middle stream of Kuzuryu River. In addition some Z. platypus inhabited to the lower stream of Kitagawa River. The habitat of Z. sieboldii, which was restricted to the slow stream or irrigation canals indicates that this species would be introduced artificially with young ayu from Lake Biwa, similar to Z. platypus. One hybrid Zacco fish was captured. Examination of morphology, body color/spot, secondary sexual character and scalation would indicate this fish was considered a Z. sieboldii and Z. platypus hybrid.
キーワード: 福井県,オイカワ属魚類,分布,雑種の記録

石田 惣, 西 浩孝, 佐藤ミチコ
Long-term transition of the land snail fauna and their habitat in Kikaijima Island from 1930s to present
So ISHIDA, Hirotaka NISHI & Michiko SATO
51 (2004):25-30 (in Japanese with English abstract)

We surveyed the land snail fauna in Kikaijima Island, Amami Archipelago, Japan and compared it with 1930-1970s’, which were deduced from the museum specimen (Furukawa shellcollection) and the literature records. Forest zone was considered as the potential habitat of land snails and the long-term transition of the area was investigated from the old national topographical maps. The sites which recorded diverse land snails consisted with the areas which had preserved forest zone from 1920s to present. Total area of the forest zone in Kikaijima Island had not changed largely from 1920s to 1990s, but they had been separated prominently by the road construction after 1980s. No remarkable change in the fauna was found between before 1970s and present, however, the population of each species may be fragile because of the habitat fraction. Continuous monitoring will be needed for the conservation of land snails.


下野谷 豊一
Distributional notes on the Beetles(Coleoptera) in Fukui Prefecture,with including two Ailien species
51(2004):31-35 (in Japanese with English abstract)

Three invasive alien beetles, Cicindeda kaleea yedoensis, Lebia viridis and Ophraella communa, have been recently recorded in Fukui Prefecture. Distribution and ecological information about these beetles were reported. Introduction route and dispersal process were also discussed.


赤井 賢成
Data on the flora of Fukui(1)
Kensei AKAI
51 (2004):37-56 (in Japanese with English abstract)

New localities and details of status, including approximate number of individuals or ramets, habitat conditions and the main causes of habitat loss/degradation, are reported for the threatened plant species of Fukui Prefecture as listed in the Fukui Red Data Book and in Threatened Wildlife of Japan - Red Data Book 2(Volume 8 Vascular Plants). The occurrence of 33 threatened plant species and 81 new localities within the Prefecture were confirmed during the study period. Most of the threatened species were perennials or annual herbs growing in wetland habitats such as paddy fields, or aquatic species inhabiting ponds and rivers.The relationship between the distribution of the threatened species and the microtopography of the study area was assessed. As a result, four habitat types characterized by a richness of threatened plant species were discerned, namely, floodplains, river confluences, salt swamps and marine terraces. In devising conservation strategies to safeguard threatened species against extinction in their original habitat, there is now a pressing need for more taxonomic and ecological information on vulnerable plants, a better understanding of the causes for population decreases and the factors behind habitat loss/degradation, and comprehensive monitoring programs to provide data on trends in local populations. In the case of exceptionally vulnerable species, there is also likely to be a need to facilitate ex situ conservation.

保科 英人
Discussion about artificial diffusions of wild acorns, based on conservation biological viewpoint
51 (2004):57-62 (in Japanese with English abstract)

2004 年,一部の自然保護団体が,エサ不足に苦しむツキノワグマに対し,全国から収集したドングリを,山々に散布した.本稿では,このドングリの人為的散布について考察した.保全生物学的見解に立てば,このようなドングリの散布は,好ましくない行為であると断定できる.自然生態系に対して,考えられるリスクは,散布されたドングリが発芽し,その地域土着のドングリと交雑することによる遺伝子撹乱や,ドングリ内部に潜入している昆虫の遺伝子撹乱,さらに一部の種が外来種となりうる問題などが挙げられる.ドングリを水に沈めるだけでは,ドングリおよび内部の昆虫類を完全に殺すことは不可能であることを実証した.さらに,たとえドングリを完全に煮沸して,遺伝子撹乱および外来種の問題をクリアしたとしても,そもそも野生のツキノワグマに対して,エサを与えること自体が問題である.著者は,ドングリの人為的散布に強く反対する.
In 2004, some Japanese groups disseminated acorns (seeds of Fagaceae) into Japanese mountains in order to give wild bears (Ursus thibetanus). The problems of the man-caused dispersal of acorns are discussed. Viewed in the light of the conservation biology, those artificial diffusions of acorns are objectionable. It is possible that the regional crossing is caused by seeds from various districts and seed borer insects are introduced to other regions. All of acorns and insects inhabiting there were not killed though were immersed into water in five days. Moreover, it is of a problem that human give baits to wild animals even though acorns are completely boiled. Author is rigidly opposed to artificial dispersal of acorns.


福岡 修
Seashells excavated from the construction site on the coast of Tsuruga Bay
51(2004):63-64 (in Japanese with English abstract)

Seashells excavated from the construction site on the coast of Tsuruga Bay, Fukui Prefecture were recorded. Thirty-six gastropods and twenty-seven bivalves were identified. Five gastropods and four bivalves were unfound in the drifting seashell fauna. Boring core sample indicated that these seashells were buried probably before ca. 5000 years ago.


和田 茂樹, 和田 洋一
The first records of the migratory species, Sympetrum fonscolombii from Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Shigeki WADA & Yoichi WADA
51(2004):65-66 (in Japanese with English abstract)

In October and November 2004, some adults of the migratory species, Sympetrum fonscolombii (Selys, 1840) were found at coastal ponds in Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Japan.This record is the first from Fukui Prefecture.

福井市でクロモンシタバ( Ophiusa tirhaca )を拾得
佐藤 友香
The first record of Ophiusa tirhaca (Noctuidae: Catocalinae) in Fukui Prefecture
51 (2004):67 (in Japanese with English abstract)

A male Ophiusa tirhaca Cramer (Noctuidae: Catocalinae) was found in Fukui City on November 15, 2004, which is the first record in Fukui Prefecture.This record is as the most northern record as in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Pref. in 1954 and in Tsumagoi Village, Gunma Pref. in 1996. This species have been occasionally collected in the the Kinki districts and southward in Japan and there would be no habitat near Fukui City. Therefore, the individual seems to be a strayer.


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