 研究報告要旨(48号)/ Abstracts of Bull. Fukui City Mus. Nat. His. (No.48)

安野 敏勝
First discovery of Miocene cyprinid fossils from the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, central Japan and its implication
Toshikatsu YASUNO
48 (2001):1-15 (in Japanese with English abstract)

Cyprinid fossils were firstly discovered in Nakajima Town and Yanagida Village from the Early to the earliest Middle Miocene deposit in the Noto Peninsula in the north of Ishikawa Prefecture. Some Xenocyprinid specimens(pharyngeal bones and their teeth)were found in the Yamatoda diatomaceous mudstone member in Nakajima Town and a Cyprininae specimen(“Cyprinus”sp.)in the Yanagida Formation. Noto's specimens and fossils from the Oki Island(Yasuno, 2000)that appeared in the Miocene graben were obtained at far from the present Japanese coastal line and are clearly significante materials to discuss the origin and development of Japanese cyprinid in the Miocene period.


木戸 聡
Conglomerate clasts from the eastern coast of the Tsuruga Bay, Fukui Prefecture(Part 。)
Satoshi KIDO
48 (2001):17-26 (in Japanese)

筆者らは先に敦賀湾東岸地域に礫岩の転石が分布することを報告した.後に礫岩の露頭を見いだして産状を述べ,美濃帯中・古生層を不整合におおうとした.その後,林道が延長されて露頭が増え不整合とも言い難くなり,産状からtectonic outlierとして美濃帯中・古生層をおおっているという可能性を指摘した.ここに改めて礫岩の産状を報告し,その解釈について考察する.


福井県南条山地における放散虫化石産地ノート -その5- 湯尾谷地区
梅田 美由紀, 田賀 秀子
Note of occurrence of radiolarian fossils in the Nanjo Massif, Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan -No.5- Yunoo-dani Area
Miyuki UMEDA & Hideko TAGA
48 (2001):27-47 (in Japanese)



加藤 文男
Morphology of fingerlings and a key to young Japanese salmon, genus Oncorhynchus
Fumio KATO
48 (2001):49-64 (in Japanese with English abstract)

Morphology of fingerlings of Japanese salmon, genus oncorhynchus were studied. The identification can be made by a key based on the distinct markings, coloration, meristic counts and proportional measurement of the fingerlings.


下野谷 豊一
Records of hemipteran species in Fukui prefecture
48 (2001):65-74 (in Japanese)


Thirty hemipteran species (Cixiidae, Cicadellidae, Enicocephlidae, Miridae, Anthocoridae, Tingidae, Lygaeidae and Urostylidae), which have not been recorded in Fukui prefecture, were reported.
(This abstract was made by Editorial Boards)


和田 茂樹
Records of Papilio memnon and Hydaticus bowringi in Fukui Prefecture
Shigeki WADA
48 (2001):75-76 (in Japanese)



長田 勝
Records of two species of genus Parapodisma in Fukui Prefecture
Masaru OSADA
48 (2001):77-78 (in Japanese)

福井県のミヤマフキバッタ属 (Parapodisma)は5種が知られている.2001年の資料収集活動の際,このうちの2種 (オマガリフキバッタ Parapodisma tanbaensis Tominaga et Kano, ヤマトフキバッタ Parapodisma yamato Tominaga et Storozhenko)を採集しているので,手許にある他の標本と併せて記録しておく.

Two Parapodisma species, Parapodisma tanbaensis Tominaga et Kano and Parapodisma yamato Tominaga et Storozhenko, found in Fukui prefecture were reported.
(This abstract was made by Editorial Boards)



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