 研究報告要旨(49号)/ Abstracts of Bull. Fukui City Mus. Nat. His. (No.49)

中島 孝, 南 政次
Mars Observations in 1999 at the Observatory of the Fukui City Museum of Natural History
Takashi NAKAJIMA & Masatsugu MINAMI
49 (2002):1-25 (Bilingual: Japanese and English)

The planet Mars approaches the Earth every two years. In 1999, Mars was closest to the Earth on 1 May 1999 with the maximal apparent diameter 16.2 seconds of arc and was observable for about one year and a half from October 1998 through March 2000. The present report deals with our observations of the planet carried out at the Observatory of the Fukui City Museum of Natural History(abbreviated to the Fukui City Observatory)during the period. The Martian campaigns of the Fukui City Observatory have been carried out since 1952 and this is the 11th of the Mars-report series in this Bulletin. The 12th report shall deal with the 2001 apparition in which the planet was at opposition on 13 June 2001, and we successfully carried out the routine observations: Especially the planet showed a spectacle dust storm in 2001.
Key words: Mars Surface; Visual Observations; Martian Meteorology; CMO/OAA; the Fukui City Museum of Natural History


福井県南条山地における放散虫化石産地ノート -その6- 菅谷峠北
梅田美由紀, 田賀秀子
Note of occurrence of radiolarian fossils in the Nanjo Massif, Fukui Prefecture, Central Japan -No.6- the north of Sugentan-touge
Miyuki UMEDA & Hideko TAGA
49 (2002):27-52 (in Japanese)

キーワード: 美濃帯,南条山地,放散虫化石,ジュラ紀,マンガンノジュール


日本産サケ属 (Oncorhynchus) 魚類の形態と分布
加藤 文男
Morphology and distribution of Japanese salmon,genus Oncorhynchus
Fumio KATO
49 (2002):53-77 (in Japanese with English abstract)

日本産サケ属 (Oncorhynchus) 8種1亜種の形態と分布についてまとめた.各種の成魚の色彩,斑紋,計数・計測的形質,鱗相の諸特徴を基に検索表を作成した.
キーワード: 日本産サケ属魚類,形態,分布,検索

Morphology and distribution of Japanese salmon,genus Oncorhynchus were studied.A key separating the eight species and one subspecies is provided by the distinct markings, coloration, meristic counts, proportional measurements and scale characters.


中川 登美雄
Geloina from the middle Miocene Kunimi Formation in the Niu Mountains, Fukui Prefecture, central Japan
49 (2002):79-82 (in Japanese)

昨年から今年にかけて鮎川付近で高潮対策に伴う工事が行われ,その過程で多くの化石が産出した.今年11月に福井市自然史博物館の採集した化石の中にGeloina stachiが含まれていた.Geloinaはマングローブ沼に特徴的な二枚貝であり,これまで鮎川においては保存不良の1個体が産出しているのみで,古環境を復元する上で貴重な資料となると考え,報告する.
キーワード: 国見層,中新世,貝化石, Geloina


長田 勝
The record of pill clam Pisidium (Veneroida, Pisidiidae) in Meoto-ike Pond, Izumi-Mura, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Masaru OSADA
49 (2002):83-84 (in Japanese)

福井県大野郡和泉村の大納越戸谷源流 (MC:5336-6521) にある夫婦池で, 2002年6月にフクイマメシジミPisidium kawamurai hukuiense Mori を採集したので報告する.
キーワード: フクイマメシジミ, Pisidium,夫婦池,福井県和泉村



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